Nacka: A Green Oasis near Stockholm, Offering Quality Living and Limitless Freedom


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Contributions and Roles of Member Cities in the Eurocities Network: Spotlight on Nacka, Sweden

Innovation and Sustainability

Nacka is a leading city in the Eurocities network, consistently demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability and innovation. By setting ambitious goals to reduce CO2 emissions and promoting green technology, Nacka aims to create a more sustainable future for its residents.

Smart City Initiatives

Nacka leverages cutting-edge technology to enhance the quality of urban life. This includes initiatives to clean waterways, improve healthcare systems, and implement intelligent traffic management.

Examples of Smart City Projects

  • Waterway Cleaning Robots: Automated robots designed to clean and monitor the waterways ensuring a pristine and sustainable aquatic environment.
  • Healthcare Improvement via Telemedicine: Platforms enabling remote health consultations to improve access and efficiency in healthcare services.
  • Smart Traffic Lights: Advanced traffic management systems that reduce congestion and lower emissions by optimizing traffic flow.

Cultural and Social Projects

Nacka is deeply invested in cultural and social projects that support vulnerable groups and foster a sense of community. The city’s programs aim to enhance social inclusion and cultural diversity.

Official City Website:

Examples of Cultural and Social Initiatives

  • Inclusive Arts Festivals: Annual festivals that showcase diverse cultural performances and artworks from different communities.
  • Senior Support Programs: Initiatives providing social and healthcare support to the elderly, promoting active aging.
  • Youth Empowerment Workshops: Programs aimed at empowering young people through skill-building and leadership training.

Urban Planning and Development

Nacka undertakes significant urban development projects that aim to enhance livability while also addressing climate change. These projects are designed with sustainability at their core, ensuring long-term benefits for the community.

Examples of Urban Development Projects

  • Eco-Friendly Housing Projects: Development of residential areas that incorporate green building practices and renewable energy sources.
  • Green Public Spaces: Creation of parks and recreational areas that increase urban greenery and provide residents with natural spaces.
  • Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Upgrading infrastructure to be more resilient to climate impacts, such as extreme weather events.

Youth and Education

Nacka is dedicated to creating vibrant environments for students and young professionals. The city offers various programs that foster educational excellence and professional development.

Examples of Youth and Education Initiatives

  • STEAM Education Programs: Initiatives focused on science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics to prepare students for future challenges.
  • Entrepreneurship Incubators: Spaces and resources for young entrepreneurs to develop and scale their business ideas.
  • Scholarship and Exchange Programs: Financial support and opportunities for students to study abroad and gain international experience.

Benefits of Participation in Eurocities

By being a member of the Eurocities network, Nacka gains numerous benefits, including access to a vast pool of knowledge and expertise from other European cities. Participation fosters collaborative projects, enhances policy development, and helps Nacka in advocating for local interests on a larger platform. This network enables the city to stay ahead in innovation, sustainability, and urban development, ensuring better quality of life for its residents.

City Name: Nacka, Sweden


Nacka is located in the Stockholm County region of Sweden, to the east of Stockholm City. The city enjoys a picturesque setting with proximate access to the Baltic Sea and is characterized by its beautiful archipelagos, lush greenery, and rolling hills.


The population of Nacka is approximately 105,000 residents. The demographic composition is diverse, with a mix of young families, professionals, and retirees. The city has a significant proportion of its populace under 18 years old, contributing to its vibrant community life.

Economic Overview

Nacka’s economy is robust and diversified, with significant contributions from multiple sectors:

  • Information Technology: Numerous tech startups and established IT firms are based here.
  • Retail: The presence of large shopping centers like Nacka Forum bolsters the retail sector.
  • Financial Services: Various banks and financial service companies operate in the region.

The city’s GDP stands at approximately $6 billion, driven by both local businesses and the influence of neighboring Stockholm.

Historical Significance

Nacka has a rich history dating back to the medieval period. Notable historical events include:

  • 1500s: Establishment of Nacka village.
  • 1700s: Development as an industrial hub with the building of mills and factories.
  • 1900s: Rapid urbanization and incorporation into the Stockholm County region.

Cultural Attractions

Nacka boasts a variety of cultural institutions and events:

  • Artipelag: A contemporary art museum situated in the archipelago.
  • Nacka Strandsmässan: A venue for conferences, exhibitions, and cultural events.
  • Annual Festivals: Events like the Nacka Music Festival and outdoor theatre performances draw crowds from across Sweden.

Education System

Primary and Secondary Education

Primary and secondary education in Nacka is well-developed, with numerous public and private schools providing quality education.

Higher Education

While Nacka does not have its own university, it has strong connections with higher education institutions in Stockholm, such as Stockholm University and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).

Transportation Infrastructure

Nacka boasts an efficient transportation network:

  • Public Transit: Extensive bus and rail links connect Nacka to Stockholm and surrounding areas.
  • Roads: Well-maintained roadways and highways provide easy car travel.
  • Airports: Close proximity to Stockholm’s Arlanda and Bromma airports.

Urban Development Projects

Significant urban development projects in Nacka aim at sustainability and quality of life:

  • Nacka City: An ambitious project to develop a modern urban district with mixed residential and commercial spaces.
  • Eco-districts: Areas designed with green buildings, renewable energy sources, and green spaces.

Environmental Initiatives

Nacka is committed to environmental sustainability through:

  • Recycling Programs: Comprehensive city-wide recycling initiatives.
  • Green Spaces: Preservation and expansion of parks and natural reserves.
  • Clean Energy: Investment in renewable energy, including wind and solar power.

Quality of Living

Nacka offers a high quality of living with excellent healthcare facilities, low crime rates, and a plethora of amenities. Residents enjoy access to recreational areas, cultural events, and top-notch educational institutions.

Quality of Life Indexes

  • Livability Ranking: Consistently ranked among the top places to live in Sweden due to its balance of urban amenities and natural beauty.
  • Health Index: High healthcare standards reflect in an above-average health index score.
  • Environmental Quality: Excellent air quality and green initiatives contribute to impressive environmental quality scores.

Mayor Profile: Mats Gerdau

Current Position

Mats Gerdau is the mayor of Nacka, a city in Sweden.

Political Affiliation

Mats Gerdau is affiliated with the Moderate Party (Moderata samlingspartiet), a center-right political party in Sweden.


  • Degree: Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science
  • Institution: Stockholm University
  • Degree: Master’s Degree in Public Administration
  • Institution: Uppsala University

Professional Background

Before becoming the mayor of Nacka, Mats Gerdau had an extensive career in local government and the private sector.

  • Local Government: Served as a City Council Member in Nacka for several terms, focusing on urban development and sustainability.
  • Private Sector: Worked as a consultant specializing in public administration and policy analysis.
  • National Politics: Served as a Member of Parliament in the Swedish Riksdag, contributing to national policy development in areas such as education and social services.

Achievements as Mayor

As mayor, Mats Gerdau has spearheaded numerous initiatives and projects aimed at improving Nacka’s sustainability, urban development, and integration of technological advancements.

  • Sustainability Initiatives: Implemented a comprehensive climate action plan targeting carbon neutrality by 2030.
  • Urban Development: Overseen large-scale housing development projects to address the city’s growing population, while ensuring sustainable building practices.
  • Technological Advancements: Launched a smart city program incorporating IoT and digital infrastructure to enhance municipal services and resident quality of life.

Vision for the Future

Mats Gerdau envisions a future for Nacka that focuses on transforming it into a leading smart city, characterized by sustainable practices and active community engagement.

  • Smart City Initiatives: Plans to expand digital infrastructure and integrate advanced technologies to improve city management and services.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Strengthening efforts toward renewable energy adoption and further reducing carbon emissions to foster a greener urban environment.
  • Community Engagement: Encouraging greater resident participation in local governance through innovative platforms and initiatives aimed at inclusiveness and transparency.

Personal Life

Outside of his professional responsibilities, Mats Gerdau is an avid supporter of community and environmental activities.

  • Hobbies: Enjoys hiking, reading historical novels, and participating in local sports events.
  • Interests: Has a keen interest in urban planning and sustainable living practices.
  • Personal Commitments: Actively volunteers for local environmental cleanup projects and advocates for green initiatives.

Awards and Honors

Mats Gerdau has received numerous accolades for his contributions to the city and his leadership in various fields.

  • Sustainable Leadership Award: Recognized for his efforts in promoting sustainability and environmental initiatives in Nacka.
  • Urban Development Excellence Award: Honored for his innovative approach to urban planning and development.
  • Community Engagement Award: Acknowledged for fostering community participation and transparency in local governance.

Nacka, Stockholm County, Sweden: Quality of Life and Cost of Living

While specific data for Nacka isn’t available, Nacka is part of the greater Stockholm area. We can utilize data from Stockholm to generate insights into the quality of life and cost of living in Nacka. This description references information from Numbeo, providing a glimpse into living conditions in Nacka, including comparisons within the Eurocities network context.

Quality of Life


Stockholm, and by extension Nacka, has a safety index of 66.53. This rating classifies it as relatively safe, providing residents with a secure environment to live and work.


The healthcare quality index in Stockholm is high at 86.85, reflecting superior health services. Residents of Nacka can enjoy access to comprehensive healthcare facilities which are characterized by well-trained professionals and advanced medical technology.


With a pollution index of 21.66, Stockholm is noted for its cleanliness. Nacka benefits from this, ensuring clean air and a healthy environment for its residents.


Stockholm boasts a well-established public transportation system, indicated by a transport index of 70.17. The city provides various modes of transport, including buses, trains, and a metro system. This makes commuting within Nacka and elsewhere in Stockholm convenient and efficient.


Stockholm is renowned for its educational institutions, including Stockholm University and the Karolinska Institute. These top-rated institutions highlight the city’s commitment to quality education, which extends to Nacka, offering excellent learning opportunities for its residents.

Cost of Living


The average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in Stockholm’s city center is approximately €1048.68. Nacka, being in close proximity to Stockholm, may have similar housing costs, providing an idea for potential residents on what to expect in terms of rent.

Groceries and Dining

  • Monthly grocery bills for a single person average around €284.46.
  • Dining out at an inexpensive restaurant costs about €11.94.


The monthly utility cost for an 85m2 apartment in Stockholm is roughly €84.97. Residents of Nacka can anticipate similar costs for essential services like electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage disposal.


A monthly pass for public transportation costs around €90.84, offering extensive connectivity and convenience for daily commutes.


  • Fitness club membership costs about €41.95 per month.
  • A cinema ticket is priced at approximately €13.60.

Nacka’s Role within the Eurocities Network

As part of the Stockholm metropolitan area, Nacka participates in the Eurocities network, contributing to Europe’s economic, political, and cultural landscape. Stockholm’s vibrant mix of history, innovation, and quality of life elements extends its influence to Nacka, making it an area of significance within the broader European context.

In conclusion, using data from Numbeo, it is evident that Nacka offers a high quality of life with reasonable living costs for its residents. The area’s safety, excellent healthcare, education facilities, cleanliness, and efficient public transport system make it an attractive location within the Eurocities network.

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