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Contributions and Roles of Member Cities in the Eurocities Network: Spotlight on Vilnius, Lithuania

Innovation and Sustainability

The city of Vilnius is committed to sustainability and innovation, guided by ambitious goals to reduce CO2 emissions and promote green technology. Vilnius has adopted various policies and initiatives to enhance urban resilience, energy efficiency, and environmental health.

Goals to Reduce CO2 Emissions

Vilnius has set targets to significantly cut CO2 emissions by transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving public transportation, and encouraging energy-efficient building standards.

Promotion of Green Technology

The city promotes the use of green technology by supporting startups and businesses in the green sector, fostering innovation hubs, and implementing smart infrastructure projects.

Official City Website:

Smart City Initiatives

Vilnius leverages technology to make urban life more efficient and sustainable. By employing smart solutions, the city enhances various aspects of urban living, from cleanliness to health services.

Examples of Smart City Projects

  • Smart Water Management: Implementing sensors and IoT solutions to monitor and clean waterways, ensuring the efficient use of water resources.
  • Smart Healthcare: Utilizing telemedicine and health data analytics to improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems: Deploying real-time traffic management and smart public transit solutions to reduce congestion and improve mobility.

Cultural and Social Projects

Vilnius actively engages in cultural and social projects aimed at fostering community spirit and supporting vulnerable groups. These initiatives enhance the quality of life and ensure inclusivity and cultural dynamism.

Examples of Cultural and Social Initiatives

  • Community Art Programs: Hosting public art installations and community arts workshops to enrich the cultural landscape.
  • Support Services for Vulnerable Groups: Providing shelters, food services, and employment training for the homeless and disadvantaged populations.
  • Inclusive Festivals and Events: Organizing events that celebrate diversity and bring communities together.

Urban Planning and Development

Vilnius undertakes significant urban development projects to enhance livability, address climate change, and create more resilient and sustainable urban environments.

Examples of Urban Development Projects

  • Green Boulevard Initiative: Transforming major streets into green boulevards with extensive tree planting and pedestrian-friendly spaces.
  • Eco-District Development: Creating eco-districts with sustainable building practices, renewable energy integration, and green spaces.
  • Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Developing infrastructure projects that mitigate flood risks and enhance urban resilience to climate change.

Youth and Education

Vilnius fosters a vibrant environment for students and young professionals by investing in education, career development, and youth engagement activities.

Examples of Youth and Education Initiatives

  • Innovation Labs: Establishing labs and co-working spaces where young innovators can collaborate and develop new projects.
  • Scholarship Programs: Providing scholarships and financial aid to talented students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Career Fairs and Workshops: Organizing events that connect young professionals with industry leaders and potential employers.

Benefits of Participation in Eurocities

By participating in the Eurocities network, Vilnius and other member cities benefit in various ways, including:

  • Exchange of Best Practices: Gaining insights and sharing successful strategies in urban development and governance.
  • Collaborative Projects: Partnering with other cities on joint initiatives and funded projects that address common challenges.
  • Advocacy and Representation: Having a stronger voice in EU policies and initiatives that affect urban areas.
  • Networking Opportunities: Building connections with city leaders, experts, and stakeholders across Europe.

Vilnius, Lithuania


Vilnius is located in the southeastern part of Lithuania, within the region known as the Baltic States. The city is situated at the confluence of the Vilnia and Neris rivers, and is surrounded by picturesque hills and forests. It is approximately 300 kilometers from the Baltic Sea and lies near the border with Belarus.


The population of Vilnius is approximately 580,000 people. The city is a vibrant mix of demographics, with a rich cultural diversity that includes Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, and Jewish communities. The median age is around 40 years, and the city has a youthful energy, with a significant portion of the population being students and young professionals.

Economic Overview

Vilnius is the economic hub of Lithuania, with a diverse and dynamic economy. Key industries include information technology, biotechnology, finance, and manufacturing. The city’s GDP is approximately $28 billion USD. Vilnius has a rapidly growing tech sector, often referred to as the “Silicon Valley of the Baltic States,” thanks to its innovative startups and strong support for entrepreneurship.

Historical Significance

Vilnius has a rich and multifaceted history that dates back to the Middle Ages. Founded in the early 14th century, it became the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Notable historical events include the establishment of Vilnius University in 1579, one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe. During World War II, the city experienced significant upheaval, including the tragic Vilna Ghetto. After the war, Vilnius became part of the Soviet Union until Lithuania regained independence in 1990.

Cultural Attractions

  • Vilnius Old Town: A UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its medieval architecture, narrow streets, and historic buildings.
  • Gediminas’ Tower: The remaining part of the Upper Castle, offering panoramic views of the city.
  • National Museum of Lithuania: Showcases Lithuania’s history and cultural heritage.
  • Vilnius Cathedral: A monumental church with a neoclassical façade, an important religious site.
  • Vilnius International Film Festival: An annual event that attracts filmmakers and movie enthusiasts from around the world.

Education System

Vilnius has a well-developed education system with numerous institutions at all levels:

  • Primary and Secondary Education: The city has a mix of public and private schools, offering education in multiple languages.
  • Higher Education: Home to Vilnius University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, and Mykolas Romeris University, among others. These institutions are known for their rigorous academic programs and research contributions.

Transportation Infrastructure

Vilnius boasts a comprehensive transportation network:

  • Public Transit: The city has an extensive bus and trolleybus system, making it easy to navigate different neighborhoods.
  • Airports: Vilnius International Airport is the largest airport in Lithuania, offering numerous international and domestic flights.
  • Rail Connections: Vilnius has well-connected train services that link it to other major cities in Lithuania and neighboring countries.
  • Road Network: The city is connected by major highways, facilitating convenient travel by car.

Urban Development Projects

Vilnius is undergoing several significant urban development projects aimed at enhancing sustainability and livability:

  • Vilnius Connect: A major project aiming to transform the central railway station area into a modern, multi-functional urban space.
  • Green Wave: An initiative to improve the city’s green spaces, including parks and recreational areas.
  • Riverfront Development: Efforts to revitalize the riverside areas, promoting outdoor activities and tourism.

Environmental Initiatives

Vilnius is committed to environmental sustainability, implementing various initiatives:

  • Green Energy: Investments in renewable energy sources and energy-efficient technologies.
  • Waste Management: Advanced recycling programs and waste reduction strategies.
  • Air Quality Improvement: Measures to reduce air pollution, including promoting the use of public transportation and cycling.

Quality of Living

Vilnius offers a high quality of living, characterized by good healthcare, safety, and numerous amenities:

  • Healthcare: Modern hospitals and clinics providing top-tier medical services.
  • Safety: Low crime rates and effective law enforcement ensure a secure environment.
  • Amenities: Vibrant cultural scene, excellent dining options, and recreational facilities contribute to a fulfilling lifestyle.

Quality of Life Indexes

  • Livability Ranking: Vilnius is often ranked highly for its livability, attributed to its affordable cost of living and quality services.
  • Health Index: The city has a robust healthcare system, reflected in its high health index scores.
  • Environmental Quality Scores: Consistently receives good scores for its commitment to environmental protection and green initiatives.

Mayor Profile: Valdas Benkunskas

Current Position

Mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania

Political Affiliation



  • Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science – Vilnius University
  • Master’s Degree in Public Administration – Mykolas Romeris University

Professional Background

Before becoming the mayor of Vilnius, Valdas Benkunskas accumulated extensive experience in both public administration and the private sector. His professional roles included:

  • City Council Member, Vilnius Municipality
  • Deputy Mayor, Vilnius Municipality
  • Policy Advisor, Ministry of Social Security and Labour
  • Project Manager, Private Sector Consultancy Firm

Achievements as Mayor

Since taking office, Mayor Valdas Benkunskas has spearheaded a variety of groundbreaking initiatives that have significantly impacted Vilnius:


  • Implemented an extensive urban greening project, resulting in the planting of over 10,000 trees across the city.
  • Introduced a city-wide recycling program that increased recycling rates by 30%.

Urban Development

  • Launched the “Vilnius 2030” strategic plan to promote sustainable urban growth and infrastructure development.
  • Oversaw the construction of new affordable housing units, supporting low-income families and young professionals.

Technological Advancements

  • Established the “Smart Vilnius” initiative, which includes free Wi-Fi hotspots in public areas and smart traffic management systems.
  • Promoted the use of electric buses and expanded the city’s electric vehicle charging network.

Vision for the Future

Mayor Benkunskas envisions Vilnius as a leading smart city in Europe, with an emphasis on sustainable living and community engagement. His key future goals include:

  • Further expansion of green zones and parks within urban areas to enhance residents’ quality of life.
  • Implementing advanced smart city technologies to improve public services and reduce carbon footprint.
  • Boosting community engagement through participatory budgeting and inclusive city planning processes.

Personal Life

Mayor Benkunskas is passionate about community and environmental activities. His hobbies and interests include:

  • Cycling and promoting active transportation methods.
  • Participating in local environmental clean-up events.
  • Reading and discussing urban development and sustainability literature.

Awards and Honors

Mayor Valdas Benkunskas has been recognized for his impactful contributions to Vilnius and his leadership in several areas:

  • “Green City Leader Award” by the European Environmental Agency (2022).
  • “Innovator of the Year” by the Lithuanian Association of Local Governments (2021).
  • Honorary Citizen of Vilnius for exceptional service and dedication to the city’s development (2020).

Vilnius: Quality of Life and Cost of Living Overview

Quality of Life


Vilnius, the capital and largest city of Lithuania, boasts a high safety index of 62.23, which reflects its standing as a relatively safe urban area. Residents and visitors alike benefit from a secure environment, enhancing the overall quality of life.


The healthcare system in Vilnius is efficient and diverse, ensuring the well-being of its residents. With a healthcare quality index of 60.14, the city provides access to a variety of healthcare services, including well-equipped hospitals, clinics, and specialized treatment centers.


Vilnius takes pride in its cleanliness, which is highlighted by a pollution index of 36.48. Efforts to maintain a clean and pollution-free environment contribute significantly to the quality of life for its inhabitants.


The city’s comprehensive transportation network is underscored by a transport index of 28.86. Public transportation in Vilnius includes an extensive network of buses, trolleybuses, and trains, making it easy for residents to commute efficiently and affordably.


As a hub for education, Vilnius is home to several notable educational institutions, including the prestigious Vilnius University. These institutions are recognized for their quality of education, contributing to the intellectual and professional development of the city’s residents.

Cost of Living


The average monthly rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in the city center is approximately €500. This makes Vilnius a relatively affordable city for housing when compared to many other European capitals.

Groceries and Dining

  • Groceries: The estimated monthly grocery cost for a single person is around €175. This covers the basic essentials and common household items.
  • Dining: Dining out at a mid-range restaurant costs about €30 for a three-course meal for two people, making eating out an affordable option for residents and visitors alike.


Monthly utility costs for an 85m2 apartment average around €130. This includes basic utilities such as electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage disposal services.


The cost of a monthly public transport pass is €29, which allows for unlimited access to the city’s public transportation system, making daily commuting both convenient and cost-effective.


  • Fitness Clubs: A monthly membership at a fitness club costs around €35, offering residents affordable options for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Cinema: The average cost of a cinema ticket is about €7, providing reasonably priced entertainment options for film enthusiasts.

Vilnius in the Eurocities Network

As a member of the Eurocities network, Vilnius actively collaborates with other major European cities to foster sustainable urban development. Through this network, Vilnius engages in various initiatives aimed at enhancing urban living conditions, promoting economic growth, and addressing environmental challenges. This collaboration not only benefits the city’s residents but also positions Vilnius as a forward-looking and progressive city within the European context.

Numbeo is the referenced source for the data provided within this overview, ensuring that the statistics and figures presented are accurate and reflect the current living conditions in Vilnius.

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