Discover the Enchanting Allure of Sarajevo: Where East Meets West in a Small City Bursting with History, Natural Beauty, and Cultural Delights


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Contributions and Roles of Sarajevo in the Eurocities Network

Innovation and Sustainability

Sarajevo, as a member of the Eurocities network, is deeply committed to driving innovation and sustainability. The city has set ambitious goals to reduce CO2 emissions and promote green technology. These goals aim to create a more sustainable urban environment that enhances the quality of life for its residents while addressing global climate change challenges.

Smart City Initiatives

Sarajevo leverages technology to improve urban life in various ways, including enhancing healthcare, cleaning waterways, and ensuring public safety. By investing in smart infrastructure, the city aims to provide better services, reduce operational costs, and improve living conditions for its citizens.

Examples of Smart City Projects

  • Implementation of IoT sensors for efficient waste management.
  • Development of a smart grid to optimize energy consumption.
  • Initiatives for real-time air quality monitoring.
  • Construction of smart buildings with energy-saving technologies.

Cultural and Social Projects

Sarajevo actively engages in cultural and social projects that foster community spirit and support vulnerable groups. These initiatives are designed to enhance cultural heritage, promote inclusivity, and provide support to those in need.

Official City Website:

Examples of Cultural and Social Initiatives

  • Hosting the Sarajevo Film Festival to celebrate local and international cinema.
  • Providing community support programs for refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Implementing cultural heritage preservation projects.
  • Offering arts and crafts workshops for marginalized communities.

Urban Planning and Development

Sarajevo is undertaking significant urban development projects aimed at improving livability and mitigating the impacts of climate change. These projects focus on sustainable development, enhancement of public spaces, and the use of eco-friendly building practices.

Examples of Urban Development Projects

  • Revitalization of the historic Baščaršija market area.
  • Development of eco-friendly public transportation networks.
  • Construction of green roofs and walls on public buildings.
  • Creation of urban green spaces and parks for public recreation.

Youth and Education

Sarajevo creates vibrant environments for students and young professionals, fostering education, innovation, and career opportunities. The city’s initiatives aim to attract and retain young talent, promote lifelong learning, and facilitate entrepreneurial ventures.

Examples of Youth and Education Initiatives

  • Establishment of technology and innovation hubs for startups.
  • Partnerships with universities to offer internships and training programs.
  • Organizing youth leadership and entrepreneurship conferences.
  • Improving school infrastructure and providing modern learning tools.

Benefits of Participation in Eurocities

By participating in the Eurocities network, Sarajevo gains numerous benefits, including access to a vast network of cities for knowledge-sharing and collaboration. The city is better positioned to receive funding and support for innovative projects, enhance its international profile, and implement best practices for urban development. Participation also offers opportunities for advocacy and influencing European policies related to urban issues.

City Name: Sarajevo


Sarajevo is the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, located in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula in Southeastern Europe. Nestled within the Miljacka River valley, the city is surrounded by the Dinaric Alps, creating a dramatic and picturesque setting.


Sarajevo has a population of approximately 275,000 residents. The city is ethnically diverse, with a mix of Bosniaks, Croats, Serbs, and other ethnic groups. This diversity is reflected in the city’s rich cultural and religious heritage.

Economic Overview

The economy of Sarajevo is multifaceted, with key industries including manufacturing, services, tourism, and information technology. The city’s GDP is bolstered by a strong focus on trade and commerce, alongside its growing reputation as a technology hub. The financial services sector also plays a significant role in the local economy.

Historical Significance

Sarajevo has a storied history dating back to the 15th century when it was founded by the Ottoman Empire. The city was a key location during the Austro-Hungarian period and famously known for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, an event that sparked World War I. The Siege of Sarajevo from 1992 to 1996 during the Bosnian War also marks a significant chapter in the city’s history.

Cultural Attractions

  • Bascarsija: The historic market center, characterized by its Ottoman-style architecture and bustling bazaars.
  • Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque: An important religious and historical building, dating back to the 16th century.
  • National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Exhibits spanning centuries of the region’s history and culture.
  • Sarajevo Film Festival: An internationally renowned annual event attracting filmmakers and enthusiasts from around the world.
  • Latin Bridge: Historic site of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Education System

Primary and Secondary Education

Sarajevo offers a comprehensive education system with numerous primary and secondary schools. The education is free and compulsory up to a certain age, ensuring a high literacy rate among the population.

Higher Education

The city is home to several higher education institutions, including:

  • University of Sarajevo: The largest and most prestigious university in the country, offering a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs.
  • Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST): A private institution known for its international collaboration and high academic standards.

Transportation Infrastructure

Public Transit

Sarajevo has an extensive public transport system, including trams, buses, and trolleybuses, making it easy to navigate the city.


Sarajevo International Airport serves as the main gateway for international and domestic flights, connecting the city to major destinations globally.

Connections to Other Cities

The city is well-connected through highways and railroads, facilitating travel to other major cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and neighboring countries.

Urban Development Projects

Several ongoing urban development projects in Sarajevo aim at modernizing infrastructure and enhancing sustainability. Some notable projects include:

  • Green City Action Plan: Initiatives to improve public transportation, waste management, and energy efficiency.
  • Revitalization of Historic Areas: Efforts to preserve and restore historic buildings and neighborhoods.

Environmental Initiatives

Sarajevo is actively working on environmental sustainability through multiple initiatives:

  • Air Quality Improvement Programs: Measures to reduce pollution and enhance air quality.
  • Renewable Energy Projects: Investments in solar and wind energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Public Green Spaces: Development and maintenance of parks and green areas to enhance urban living.

Quality of Living

Sarajevo offers a relatively high quality of life with well-developed healthcare facilities, a low cost of living, and a welcoming community atmosphere. The city’s rich cultural scene and vibrant nightlife also contribute to its attractiveness.

Quality of Life Indexes

  • Livability Rankings: Sarajevo ranks well in terms of cultural engagement and cost of living, although challenges remain in areas such as pollution management.
  • Health Indexes: The city’s healthcare system is robust, providing adequate services to the population.
  • Environmental Quality Scores: Efforts are ongoing to improve the environmental quality, with significant progress noted in recent years.

Mayor Profile: Benjamina Karić


Full Name: Benjamina Karić

Current Position

Mayor of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Political Affiliation

Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • Bachelor of Law (LL.B.), University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Law
  • Master of Law (LL.M.), University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Law
  • Doctor of Legal Sciences (Ph.D.), University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Law

Professional Background

Prior to becoming mayor, Benjamina Karić held various notable positions and accumulated extensive experience in both public administration and the legal field:

  • Assistant Professor at the University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Law
  • Legal Advisor for the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Executive roles at the Center for Human Rights of the University of Sarajevo

Achievements as Mayor

During her tenure as the Mayor of Sarajevo, Benjamina Karić has implemented several key initiatives and projects:

  • Sustainability: Launch of the “Green Sarajevo” initiative focusing on increasing urban green spaces and enhancing public transportation with eco-friendly options.
  • Urban Development: Overseeing the modernization of Sarajevo’s infrastructure, including the renovation of historical landmarks and improvement of public utilities.
  • Technological Advancements: Introduction of smart city technologies such as integrated traffic management systems and public Wi-Fi hotspots.

Vision for the Future

Benjamina Karić envisions a future for Sarajevo that emphasizes smart city initiatives, environmental sustainability, and active community engagement:

  • Implementation of advanced smart city technologies to streamline urban management and enhance citizen services.
  • Focus on comprehensive environmental sustainability, aiming for Sarajevo to become a leading green city in the region.
  • Encouraging community engagement through participatory governance and open dialogues with citizens.

Personal Life

In her personal life, Benjamina Karić is deeply involved in a variety of hobbies and interests that align with her public commitments:

  • Hobbies: Enjoys reading historical literature, hiking, and participating in cultural events.
  • Interests: Keen advocate for human rights and frequently engages in activities promoting social equality.
  • Community and Environmental Activities: Actively participates in local environmental clean-up drives and promotes educational programs on sustainability.

Awards and Honors

Benjamina Karić has received numerous accolades in recognition of her leadership and contributions towards the development of Sarajevo:

  • Award for Outstanding Contribution to Urban Development by the City of Sarajevo
  • Human Rights Advocate Award from the Bosnia and Herzegovina Human Rights Foundation
  • Green City Leadership Award for her efforts in promoting environmental sustainability.

Sarajevo: Quality of Life and Cost of Living

Quality of Life


Sarajevo records a safety index of 59.22, indicating a relatively safe environment for its residents. While the city may not be the safest in Europe, it provides a sense of security for both locals and visitors.


The healthcare quality in Sarajevo is satisfactory, with a healthcare index of 58.47 on Numbeo. Residents have access to reasonable healthcare services, though there might be room for improvement in comparison to Western European standards.


Sarajevo maintains a moderate pollution index of 61.27, reflecting its efforts toward cleanliness. Although there are areas that could benefit from further environmental initiatives, the city is relatively clean.


The city’s transportation system is efficient and affordable, presenting a transport index of 20.99. Sarajevo boasts a network of buses and trams that facilitate convenient travel across the city. Public transportation is a practical option for both daily commuting and exploring the city’s sights.


Sarajevo is a hub of academic excellence, headlined by the University of Sarajevo. The institution is renowned for its diverse academic programs and quality of education. This makes the city an attractive destination for students from across Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond.

Cost of Living


Housing in Sarajevo is quite affordable. The average monthly rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in the city center is approximately $263.82. This makes it an appealing option for both locals and expatriates looking for cost-effective living arrangements.

Groceries and Dining

  • Monthly grocery costs for a single person amount to roughly $190, making daily living expenses manageable.
  • The average cost of dining out at an inexpensive restaurant is about $5.74, allowing residents to enjoy local cuisine without breaking the bank.


The estimated utility costs for an 85m2 apartment are about $125.47 per month. This includes essential services such as electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage disposal.


A monthly public transport pass in Sarajevo is budget-friendly at $35.71, making it an affordable option for regular commuters and occasional travelers alike.


  • Fitness clubs: The average monthly cost for a fitness club membership is around $21.55, encouraging a healthy lifestyle for residents.
  • Cinema: Resident movie-goers can enjoy cinema outings at reasonable prices, contributing to an affordable entertainment scene.

Role within the Eurocities Network

As part of the Eurocities network, Sarajevo actively collaborates with other European cities to enhance the quality of life for its inhabitants. The city benefits from exchanges of knowledge, strategic partnerships, and collaborative projects. This inclusion in the network underlines Sarajevo’s commitment to urban development and innovative solutions regarding urban living. Compared to other European cities, Sarajevo is notably affordable, which may attract new residents and businesses seeking cost-effective opportunities within a community-oriented and relatively safe environment.

Reference: Numbeo

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