Reggio Calabria Metropolitan City,Italy The Story of Urban Renewal and Community Transformation


Robert Eduard Antal » Urban Innovation » Urban Development: Reggio Calabria's Smart City Projects

Contributions and Roles of Member Cities in the Eurocities Network: Spotlight on Reggio Calabria, Italy

Innovation and Sustainability

Reggio Calabria, like many other member cities in the Eurocities network, is committed to advancing sustainability and innovation. The city has embarked on several initiatives aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and promoting green technology. The goals include transitioning to renewable energy sources, reducing energy consumption in public buildings, and increasing green spaces in urban areas.

Smart City Initiatives

Reggio Calabria leverages cutting-edge technology to improve the quality of urban life. These initiatives focus on the integration of digital tools to enhance public services, increase efficiency, and ensure a cleaner and healthier environment for its residents.

Examples of Smart City Projects

  • Implementation of intelligent traffic management systems to reduce congestion and lower emissions.
  • Deployment of IoT sensors for real-time monitoring of air and water quality.
  • Development of a digital platform for integrated healthcare services that allows residents to access medical records and schedule appointments online.
  • Smart waste management solutions that use sensors to optimize collection routes and reduce the carbon footprint.

Cultural and Social Projects

Reggio Calabria actively engages in cultural and social projects to foster community spirit and support vulnerable groups. These projects aim to enhance cultural heritage, promote inclusivity, and provide resources and support to those in need.

Examples of Cultural and Social Initiatives

  • Hosting annual cultural festivals that celebrate local art, music, and traditions.
  • Establishing community centers that offer educational programs and social services to underprivileged populations.
  • Partnering with NGOs to provide support and integration services for refugees and immigrants.
  • Implementing outreach programs that focus on mental health and wellbeing for the elderly.

Urban Planning and Development

Urban development in Reggio Calabria is driven by a vision of creating a more livable, resilient, and climate-friendly city. Significant projects are underway to revitalize the urban landscape and address pressing environmental challenges.

Examples of Urban Development Projects

  • Redevelopment of the waterfront to create a public space that encourages recreational activities and tourism.
  • Construction of energy-efficient housing complexes that are affordable and sustainable.
  • Expanding the urban green belt by planting thousands of trees and creating new parks and gardens.
  • Retrofitting old buildings to meet modern energy standards, thus preserving historical architecture while enhancing efficiency.

Youth and Education

Reggio Calabria dedicates significant resources to creating a vibrant environment for students and young professionals. The city invests in educational infrastructure, promotes lifelong learning, and provides opportunities for professional development.

Examples of Youth and Education Initiatives

  • Developing state-of-the-art educational facilities equipped with the latest technology.
  • Offering scholarships and grants to support higher education and research.
  • Creating internship and apprenticeship programs in collaboration with local businesses.
  • Organizing workshops and seminars that focus on career skills, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Benefits of Participation in Eurocities

Reggio Calabria gains numerous benefits from being part of the Eurocities network. These include enhanced collaboration opportunities with other European cities, access to funding and resources for urban projects, and a platform to share best practices and innovative solutions. Additionally, the city’s participation helps it to influence EU policies and regulations that impact urban areas, ensuring that local needs and priorities are addressed.

City Name: Reggio Calabria


Reggio Calabria is located in the southern part of Italy, situated on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. It is the largest and most populated city in the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria and the region of Calabria. The city is positioned at the tip of the Italian Peninsula, facing the eastern coast of Sicily across the Strait of Messina.


Reggio Calabria has a population of approximately 200,000 residents. The demographics of the city reflect a diverse mix of cultural and social backgrounds, with a significant number of young families and elderly residents. The local population is known for its rich traditions and strong sense of community.

Economic Overview

The economy of Reggio Calabria is primarily driven by the service sector, including public administration, education, and healthcare. Tourism also plays a significant role due to the city’s historical sites and coastal location. The city’s gross domestic product (GDP) is significantly supported by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and a growing interest in sustainable agricultural products, especially olive oil and citrus fruits.

Historical Significance

Reggio Calabria boasts a long and storied history, dating back to its founding by Greek settlers in the 8th century BC. The city was an influential player in the ancient world and has been under the control of various powers, including the Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, and Normans. Key historical events include the devastating earthquake of 1908, which destroyed much of the city, and its subsequent reconstruction, which transformed its urban landscape.

Cultural Attractions

  • Museum of Magna Graecia: Home to some of the most important artifacts from the ancient Greek and Roman periods.
  • Aragonese Castle: A medieval fortress offering panoramic views of the city and the Strait of Messina.
  • Cattedrale di Maria Santissima Assunta: The city’s impressive cathedral, rebuilt after the 1908 earthquake.
  • Promenade Matteotti: A beautiful coastal walkway that is popular among both locals and tourists.
  • Festival della Musica: An annual music festival that showcases local and international talent.

Education System

Primary and Secondary Education

Reggio Calabria has a well-developed education system, with numerous public and private schools offering primary and secondary education. The curriculum is comprehensive, focusing on literacy, mathematics, science, and the arts.

Higher Education

The city’s major higher education institution is the University of Reggio Calabria, known for its strong programs in engineering, architecture, and agricultural sciences. The university attracts students from across Italy and abroad.

Transportation Infrastructure

Reggio Calabria has an extensive transportation network:

  • Public Transit: The city has a reliable public bus service that connects various neighborhoods and surrounding areas.
  • Airports: Reggio Calabria Airport offers flights to major Italian cities and some international destinations.
  • Railways: The city is served by a major railway station, providing frequent connections to other Italian cities, including Rome and Naples.
  • Ferries: Regular ferry services connect Reggio Calabria to Sicily and other nearby islands.

Urban Development Projects

Recent urban development projects in Reggio Calabria focus on enhancing sustainability and quality of life. Projects include the redevelopment of coastal areas, the construction of new parks and green spaces, and the implementation of smart city technologies to improve energy efficiency and public services.

Environmental Initiatives

Reggio Calabria has undertaken several environmental initiatives to promote sustainability. These include waste reduction programs, the promotion of renewable energy sources, and efforts to protect the coastal and marine ecosystems. The city also encourages sustainable tourism practices to minimize environmental impact.

Quality of Living

Reggio Calabria offers a high quality of living, characterized by its pleasant climate, vibrant community, and rich cultural heritage. The healthcare system is robust, with several hospitals and clinics providing comprehensive medical services. The city is considered safe, with a low crime rate and a strong sense of community among residents.

Quality of Life Indexes

  • Livability Ranking: Reggio Calabria is often recognized for its high livability, particularly due to its sunny climate, historical attractions, and walkable urban environment.
  • Health Index: The city has a high health index, attributed to its quality healthcare services and healthy Mediterranean diet.
  • Environmental Quality Score: Reggio Calabria scores well on environmental quality, thanks to its efforts in sustainability and pollution control.

Profile of Mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà


Giuseppe Falcomatà

Current Position

Mayor of Reggio Calabria, Italy

Political Affiliation

Partito Democratico (Democratic Party)


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
  • Master’s Degree in Public Administration, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

Professional Background

Prior to becoming mayor, Giuseppe Falcomatà held various key positions in local government and the private sector. He served as a city council member for Reggio Calabria, focusing on urban planning and community development. Additionally, he worked as a legal consultant, specializing in public administration law and governance. This blend of legal expertise and governmental experience paved the way for his successful mayoral candidacy.

Achievements as Mayor

  • Sustainability: Implemented a comprehensive recycling program, increasing the city’s recycling rate by 30% in three years. Launched a series of green initiatives, including the planting of over 10,000 trees and the creation of several new public parks.
  • Urban Development: Spearheaded a significant urban renewal project aimed at revitalizing the historic downtown area. This included the restoration of key historical buildings and the development of new public spaces for cultural and social activities.
  • Technological Advancements: Introduced a smart city framework that includes free public Wi-Fi in major city areas, the implementation of smart traffic lights to reduce congestion, and the installation of smart meters to optimize energy usage in public buildings.

Vision for the Future

Mayor Falcomatà’s vision for Reggio Calabria includes transforming the city into a smart, sustainable, and inclusive urban environment. His goals for the future are:

  • Expanding smart city initiatives to cover more aspects of daily life, from public transportation to energy management.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability through further expansion of green spaces, enhancing recycling programs, and reducing the city’s carbon footprint.
  • Fostering community engagement by launching participatory budgeting initiatives and increasing transparency in local government operations.

Personal Life

Outside of his professional responsibilities, Mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà is an avid runner and enjoys participating in local marathons. He is deeply committed to environmental causes, often volunteering for beach clean-ups and tree planting activities. Mayor Falcomatà is also passionate about promoting local culture and history, frequently participating in community events and cultural festivals.

Awards and Honors

  • Recipient of the “Green City Award” for outstanding contribution to urban sustainability (2021).
  • Awarded the “Innovative Mayor Award” for his pioneering smart city initiatives (2022).
  • Recognized by the Italian National Association of Municipalities for exceptional leadership in public administration (2023).

Reggio Calabria, Italy: Quality of Life and Cost of Living

Quality of Life


Reggio Calabria offers a high quality of life with a safety index of 65.63, indicating comparatively low crime rates. Residents and visitors alike enjoy a sense of security in this charming Italian city, making it a comfortable place to live and explore.


The city takes health seriously, boasting an impressive healthcare quality index of 73.21. Reggio Calabria is home to well-equipped hospitals and clinics that provide comprehensive medical services. The high-quality healthcare services contribute significantly to the overall well-being of its residents.


Despite a moderate pollution index of 43.75, Reggio Calabria maintains a clean environment throughout. Efforts are continually made to ensure that the air and streets remain clean, supporting a healthy and pleasant living atmosphere.


Reggio Calabria’s efficient public transportation system, with a transport index of 39.14, makes travel smooth and easy. The city offers a variety of public transport options including buses and trains that facilitate convenient commuting within and outside the city.


Education is of high quality in Reggio Calabria, with notable institutions such as the University of Reggio Calabria offering excellent academic programs. These institutions are well-regarded and contribute to the city’s reputation as a center of academic excellence.

Cost of Living


The cost of living in Reggio Calabria is manageable. The average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in the city center is around €300. This affordable housing cost makes it an attractive option for both locals and expatriates.

Groceries and Dining

Grocery shopping typically costs a single person about €200 per month. Dining out is also reasonably priced; a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant averages around €30. These costs make it feasible to maintain a balanced lifestyle without financial strain.


Monthly utilities for an 85m2 apartment average around €120. These expenses include basic services such as electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage disposal.


The cost of a monthly public transport pass is approximately €20. This affordable price, combined with the city’s efficient transportation system, ensures that residents have easy access to various parts of the city.


  • Fitness clubs: Around €30 per month.
  • Cinema ticket: Approximately €8.

Leisure activities in Reggio Calabria are affordable, allowing residents to engage in regular fitness routines and enjoy entertainment without breaking the bank.

Reggio Calabria within the Eurocities Network

As a member of the Eurocities network, Reggio Calabria shares knowledge and ideas with other European cities to improve the quality of life for its residents. Through collaborations and exchanges, the city benefits from best practices and innovative solutions developed across Europe, enhancing its services and infrastructure.

Note: The data provided is sourced from Numbeo.

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