Discover the Enchanting Metropolitan City of Cagliari: A Mediterranean Gem of History, Nature, and Culinary Delights


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Contributions and Roles of Member Cities in the Eurocities Network: The Case of Cagliari, Italy

Innovation and Sustainability

Cagliari is committed to fostering a sustainable and innovative urban environment. As a member of the Eurocities network, Cagliari works towards significant goals such as reducing CO2 emissions and promoting the use of green technology. The city’s efforts include adopting renewable energy sources, enhancing public transportation, and planning for green urban spaces.

Smart City Initiatives

Cagliari leverages advanced technology to improve various aspects of urban life. These initiatives are aimed at making the city smarter, cleaner, and more responsive to the needs of its residents. Projects range from cleaning waterways to using technology in enhancing healthcare delivery.

Examples of Smart City Projects

  • Implementation of an intelligent transportation system to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion.
  • Deployment of smart sensors to monitor and improve air and water quality.
  • Development of a digital healthcare platform to streamline medical services and improve patient care.
  • Installation of energy-efficient street lighting that reduces both costs and CO2 emissions.

Cultural and Social Projects

Cagliari engages deeply in cultural and social initiatives, focusing on inclusivity and the support of vulnerable groups. The city’s projects aim to foster a culture of unity and provide assistance to those in need, ensuring no one is left behind.

Official City Website:

Examples of Cultural and Social Initiatives

  • Organizing cultural festivals that celebrate the diverse heritage of the city’s residents.
  • Providing support to refugees and migrants through community integration programs.
  • Creating inclusive public spaces that are accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Launching social campaigns to raise awareness about mental health issues and provide support services.

Urban Planning and Development

Cagliari is actively involved in urban development projects aimed at enhancing livability and addressing climate change. These projects cover various aspects of urban planning, including sustainable housing, green spaces, and infrastructure development that promotes a better quality of life.

Examples of Urban Development Projects

  • Redevelopment of waterfront areas to create recreational and green spaces.
  • Upgrading public transportation networks to reduce reliance on private vehicles.
  • Initiating sustainable housing projects with energy-efficient buildings.
  • Developing urban gardens and parks to increase green cover within the city.

Youth and Education

Cagliari is committed to creating a vibrant environment for students and young professionals. The city’s initiatives are designed to foster innovation, provide educational opportunities, and support the professional growth of young residents.

Examples of Youth and Education Initiatives

  • Collaborating with universities to provide cutting-edge research and development opportunities.
  • Organizing tech incubators and startups to promote entrepreneurship among young people.
  • Offering scholarships and educational grants to underprivileged students.
  • Hosting international student exchange programs to foster cultural and educational exchange.

Benefits of Participation in Eurocities

Through its participation in the Eurocities network, Cagliari gains numerous benefits, including access to a wealth of knowledge and experience from other member cities. This participation enhances the city’s capabilities in addressing urban challenges, gaining visibility on a European level, and leveraging shared resources and initiatives to build a better future for its residents.

City Overview: Cagliari, Italy


Cagliari is located on the southern coast of the island of Sardinia, Italy. It sits along the shores of the Gulf of Cagliari in the Mediterranean Sea. The city is characterized by its rolling hills and expansive coastal views, with notable geographic features including the Sella del Diavolo (Devil’s Saddle) and Molentargius – Saline Regional Park, a unique wetland area.


As of the latest census, Cagliari has a population of approximately 154,000 residents. The city is known for its diverse demography, blending ancient Sardinian heritage with various influences from its historical visitors and settlers, including Phoenicians, Romans, Byzantines, and Catalans.

Economic Overview

Cagliari’s economy is multifaceted, with key industries including tourism, trade, and services. The port of Cagliari is one of the largest in the Mediterranean and serves as a crucial hub for both commercial and passenger traffic. The city also has a growing tech sector, bolstered by innovative startups and research institutions. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Cagliari is indicative of a vibrant economy, with continuing investment in both traditional sectors and new industries.

Historical Significance

Cagliari has a rich history that dates back to its founding by the Phoenicians around the 7th century BC. It later became a significant Roman city, known as Caralis. In the Middle Ages, it fell under the control of the Byzantine Empire, the Pisans, and the Spanish Crown. Cagliari played a vital role during the unification of Italy and the two World Wars. The city’s historical landscape is marked by landmarks such as the historic Castello district, the Roman Amphitheatre, and the Basilica of San Saturnino.

Cultural Attractions

  • National Archaeological Museum: One of the most important archaeological museums in Italy, housing artifacts from Sardinia’s history.
  • Poetto Beach: A popular sandy beach stretching for over 8 kilometers, ideal for recreation and leisure.
  • Teatro Lirico di Cagliari: A renowned opera house featuring a diverse range of performances.
  • Festa di Sant’Efisio: An important cultural and religious festival held annually on May 1st, featuring colorful processions and traditional costumes.

Education System

Primary & Secondary Education

Cagliari’s education system includes numerous public and private schools providing primary and secondary education. The curriculum is comprehensive and in line with national educational standards.

Higher Education

The University of Cagliari, established in 1606, is a prominent institution offering a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. It is known for its strong research departments in medicine, engineering, and the natural sciences.

Transportation Infrastructure

Cagliari boasts a well-developed transportation network that includes:

  • Public Transit: An efficient bus system managed by CTM, covering the entire city and surrounding areas.
  • Light Rail: The Metrocagliari light rail service connects important districts and extends to the suburban areas.
  • Airport: Cagliari Elmas Airport (Aeroporto di Cagliari-Elmas) offers domestic and international flights, making the city accessible from various global destinations.
  • Port: The Port of Cagliari is a key maritime gateway for both cargo and passenger ferries, linking Sardinia to mainland Italy and beyond.

Urban Development Projects

Cagliari is currently undergoing several urban development projects aimed at enhancing sustainability and improving the quality of life for its residents. These include the redevelopment of the waterfront, expansion of cycling paths, and upgrading public transportation systems. The city is also focused on renovating historical buildings and promoting green spaces within urban areas.

Environmental Initiatives

The city of Cagliari actively pursues various environmental sustainability efforts, such as:

  • Renewable Energy Projects: Encouraging the use of solar and wind energy to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Conservation Projects: Preserving natural habitats, like the Molentargius – Saline Regional Park, to protect local wildlife and promote biodiversity.
  • Waste Management: Implementing comprehensive recycling programs to minimize waste and promote the circular economy.

Quality of Living

Cagliari is celebrated for its high quality of living, with excellent healthcare facilities, a low crime rate, and abundant recreational and cultural amenities. The city’s Mediterranean climate, with mild winters and hot summers, adds to its appeal, making it a desirable place to live and visit.

Quality of Life Indexes

  • Livability Ranking: Cagliari consistently ranks high in various livability indexes, highlighting its excellent public services, cultural offerings, and environmental quality.
  • Health Index: The city boasts high health index scores due to its advanced healthcare infrastructure and high standard of medical care.
  • Environmental Quality: The concerted efforts in sustainable development and conservation have earned Cagliari commendable environmental quality scores.

Cagliari, with its blend of history, culture, and modernity, stands out as a vibrant and dynamic city, offering a high quality of life to its residents and a captivating experience to its visitors.

Mayor Profile: Paolo Truzzu


Paolo Truzzu

Current Position

Mayor of Cagliari, Italy

Political Affiliation

Coalition of center-right parties


  • Master’s Degree in Economics, University of Cagliari
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, University of Cagliari

Professional Background

Prior to becoming mayor, Paolo Truzzu had a robust career that spanned both local government and the private sector. Some of his key positions include:

  • City Councillor, Cagliari – Focused on urban planning and development
  • Regional Councillor, Sardinia – Worked on environmental policies
  • Consultant, Private Sector – Specialized in economic development projects

Achievements as Mayor

During his tenure as mayor, Paolo Truzzu has implemented several key initiatives in various domains:


  • Introduction of a comprehensive recycling program that increased waste diversion from landfills by 30%
  • Expansion of green spaces and the planting of over 5,000 trees across the city

Urban Development

  • Revitalization of the historic city center, which boosted tourism and local businesses
  • Upgrades to public transportation, including the addition of eco-friendly buses

Technological Advancements

  • Launch of Cagliari’s Smart City platform to improve public services through digital technologies
  • Implementation of city-wide free Wi-Fi zones to enhance connectivity

Vision for the Future

Paolo Truzzu envisions Cagliari as a forward-thinking city that embraces innovation and sustainability. His future goals include:

Smart City Initiatives

  • Development of a digital infrastructure to support data-driven decision-making
  • Promotion of smart mobility solutions to reduce traffic congestion and pollution

Environmental Sustainability

  • Strive for carbon neutrality by 2030 through renewable energy projects
  • Enhancement of water conservation efforts city-wide

Community Engagement

  • Facilitation of community forums to foster civic participation
  • Support for local initiatives that promote social cohesion and cultural diversity

Personal Life

Paolo Truzzu is known for his deep connection to the community. His hobbies and interests include:

  • Cycling and outdoor activities
  • Volunteering for local environmental and social causes
  • Reading historical and economic literature

Awards and Honors

Throughout his career, Paolo Truzzu has received several accolades, including:

  • Environmental Leadership Award, Sardinia Environmental Council
  • Urban Innovation Award, Italian Association of Cities
  • Civic Engagement Prize, Cagliari Community Foundation

Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy: Quality of Life and Cost of Living

Quality of Life


Cagliari, the capital city of Italy’s Sardinia region, boasts a relatively high safety index of 60. This suggests a peaceful environment, making it an attractive location for families and individuals alike who are looking for a secure place to live.


The healthcare quality in Cagliari is reliable, with a quality index of 67.11. This index reflects the commendable standard of medical facilities and services available to residents. From public hospitals to private clinics, the city provides ample healthcare services, ensuring that medical attention is accessible and of good quality.


Although there are some minor concerns about air quality, the city’s pollution index remains relatively low at 39. This index indicates that Cagliari maintains a decent level of cleanliness, contributing to a healthier living environment.


With a transport index of 29.57, Cagliari offers an efficient public transportation network. The city is well-connected with buses and trains, providing residents with easy and affordable options to navigate the urban landscape. This robust transportation infrastructure makes commuting and traveling within the city convenient.


Cagliari is home to notable educational institutions, with the University of Cagliari standing out for its high education standards. The university is known for its diverse academic programs and quality of instruction, contributing to the city’s reputation as an excellent place for higher education.

Cost of Living


The cost of living in Cagliari is considered moderately affordable. The average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in the city center is approximately €600 per month. This provides residents with access to comfortable housing options in the city’s central areas.

Groceries and Dining

  • Monthly grocery costs for a single person average about €200. This includes a variety of basic necessities and food items.
  • Dining out can be quite affordable, with a meal at an inexpensive restaurant costing around €15. This makes it possible for residents to enjoy the local cuisine without putting a significant strain on their budget.


The combined monthly utility costs for an 85m2 apartment in Cagliari average around €130. This includes expenses for electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage collection. Such costs are reasonable and contribute to the overall affordability of living in the city.


A monthly public transport pass in Cagliari costs €33. This provides access to the city’s comprehensive bus and train network, making daily commutes and city travel both economical and straightforward.


  • The cost of maintaining an active lifestyle is relatively low, with a monthly fee for a fitness club membership around €40. This allows residents to enjoy fitness activities without a high financial commitment.
  • For those who enjoy cinema, a ticket costs approximately €8, providing an affordable option for leisure and entertainment.

Cagliari within the Eurocities Network

As a member of the Eurocities network, Cagliari contributes significantly to urban development discussions and policies. This involvement ensures that Cagliari stays updated with the latest trends and best practices in urban planning and sustainability. This active participation not only enhances the city’s growth prospects but also aligns it with broader European urban development goals.

Overall, Cagliari offers a balanced quality of life with its mix of safety, healthcare, cleanliness, and efficient public transportation. While maintaining a moderate cost of living, it ensures that its residents can afford a comfortable lifestyle. Through its role in the Eurocities network, Cagliari continues to strive for sustainable urban development and improved living standards.

Data Source: Numbeo

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