Burgas: A Coastal Haven of Happiness and Innovation


Robert Eduard Antal

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Contributions and Roles of Member Cities in the Eurocities Network: Spotlight on Burgas, Bulgaria

Innovation and Sustainability

Burgas is committed to sustainability and innovation as part of its contributions to the Eurocities network. The city actively works towards reducing CO2 emissions and promoting green technology. Burgas has set ambitious goals to achieve a substantial reduction in carbon footprint by adopting renewable energy sources and enhancing energy efficiency in public and private sectors.

Key Goals and Initiatives

  • Implementing solar energy projects in public buildings
  • Promoting electric and hybrid public transportation
  • Encouraging eco-friendly urban planning practices

Smart City Initiatives

Burgas leverages advanced technology to improve various aspects of urban life. The city uses digital solutions to enhance public services, streamline operations, and ensure a higher quality of life for its residents.

Examples of Smart City Projects

  • Installation of smart water meters to ensure efficient water usage
  • Development of a digital health platform for better healthcare access
  • Deployment of air quality monitoring sensors throughout the city

Cultural and Social Projects

Burgas is deeply engaged in cultural and social projects that support vulnerable groups and foster community participation. The city organizes various events and initiatives to celebrate cultural diversity and promote social well-being.

Official City Website: https://www.burgas.bg

Examples of Cultural and Social Initiatives

  • Annual Burgas Cultural Festival showcasing local art and traditions
  • Programs for the integration of migrants and refugees
  • Support centers for the elderly and people with disabilities

Urban Planning and Development

Burgas undertakes significant urban development projects aimed at enhancing livability and addressing climate change. These projects focus on creating sustainable urban environments and improving the overall quality of life for citizens.

Examples of Urban Development Projects

  • Revitalization of the Burgas waterfront to create green public spaces
  • Construction of pedestrian-friendly zones and cycling paths
  • Upgrading public transportation infrastructure

Youth and Education

Burgas is dedicated to creating vibrant environments for students and young professionals. The city implements diverse educational programs and offers numerous opportunities for personal and professional development.

Examples of Youth and Education Initiatives

  • Scholarship programs for outstanding students
  • Collaboration with local universities to support research and innovation
  • Internship and apprenticeship programs with local businesses

Benefits of Participation in Eurocities

Participation in the Eurocities network brings numerous benefits to Burgas. It facilitates knowledge sharing, access to funding opportunities, and collaboration with other cities facing similar challenges. Being a member also enhances Burgas’s visibility on the European stage, enabling it to attract investments and partnerships that drive sustainable urban development.

Burgas, Bulgaria


Burgas is situated on the southeastern coast of Bulgaria, along the Black Sea. It is the principal city of the Burgas Province and is known for its strategic location as a gateway to the sea. The city is encircled by several lakes, including Lake Burgas, Lake Mandrensko, and Lake Atanasovsko, which contribute to its moderate climate and rich biodiversity.


Burgas has a population of approximately 202,766 (as of 2021). The city boasts a diverse demographic composition, with a blend of various ethnic and cultural groups contributing to its vibrant community life. The population density is relatively balanced, allowing for a mix of urban and suburban living environments.

Economic Overview

The economy of Burgas is primarily driven by industries such as shipping, trade, tourism, and manufacturing. The city’s GDP is bolstered by its role as a major port on the Black Sea, facilitating substantial international trade. Additionally, Burgas has thriving sectors in oil refining, chemical production, and food processing. The tourism industry also plays a significant role, with many visitors attracted to its beaches and cultural attractions.

Historical Significance

Burgas has a rich history dating back to ancient times. It was originally a Thracian settlement before becoming part of the Byzantine Empire and later the Ottoman Empire. Significant historical events include its role in Bulgarian wars of independence and its development during the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a key maritime and industrial center. The city’s heritage is reflected in its architecture, museums, and historical sites.

Cultural Attractions

  • Burgas Opera House: Hosts a variety of performances including opera, ballet, and concerts.
  • Sea Garden: A large public park offering scenic views, walking paths, and recreational facilities.
  • Archeological Museum: Exhibits artifacts from ancient Thracian, Greek, and Roman cultures.
  • Sand Fest: An annual festival featuring elaborate sand sculptures created by artists from around the world.
  • St. Anastasia Island: A historic island with a monastery and a museum, accessible by boat.

Education System

The education system in Burgas is comprised of comprehensive primary, secondary, and higher education institutions. Key institutions include:

  • Primary and Secondary Schools: Numerous public and private schools offering standard and specialized curricula.
  • Burgas Free University (BFU): Offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields including law, economics, and engineering.
  • Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov University: Focuses on sciences and technology with an emphasis on applied research.

Transportation Infrastructure

Burgas has a well-developed transportation network catered to both residents and visitors. Key components include:

  • Public Transit: The city operates an extensive bus network along with mini-buses and taxis. Plans for the development of a tram system are also in the discussion stages.
  • Burgas Airport (BOJ): Handles domestic and international flights, connecting the region with major cities across Europe and beyond.
  • Port of Burgas: One of the most important ports on the Black Sea, supporting cargo shipping and passenger cruises.
  • Rail Connections: Provides vital links to other major Bulgarian cities such as Sofia, Plovdiv, and Varna.

Urban Development Projects

Burgas is actively engaged in several urban development projects aimed at enhancing sustainability and quality of life. These include:

  • Smart City Initiatives: Incorporating technology to improve urban infrastructure, transportation, and services.
  • Green Spaces Expansion: Continual development and maintenance of parks and public gardens.
  • Renewable Energy Projects: Promoting the use of solar and wind energy to reduce the carbon footprint of the city.

Environmental Initiatives

The city has implemented various initiatives to promote environmental sustainability:

  • Eco-Parks and Reserves: Preservation of natural habitats such as Poda Protected Area and Natura 2000 sites.
  • Waste Management: Efficient waste collection and recycling programs.
  • Water Quality Improvement: Efforts to protect and improve the quality of local lakes and Black Sea waters.

Quality of Living

Burgas offers a high quality of living with well-rounded services and amenities. The healthcare system is robust, featuring modern hospitals and clinics providing comprehensive medical care. The city is considered safe, with relatively low crime rates and an active community policing program. Amenities such as shopping centers, recreational facilities, and cultural venues are easily accessible, contributing to a comfortable lifestyle.

Quality of Life Indexes

  • Livability Ranking: Burgas is often ranked among the top cities in Bulgaria for livability due to its economic stability, urban planning, and cultural vibrancy.
  • Health Index: High, with extensive healthcare services and programs aimed at promoting public health.
  • Environmental Quality Score: High, thanks to robust environmental protection policies and initiatives.

Mayor Profile: Dimitar Nikolov

Current Position

Mayor of Burgas, Bulgaria

Political Affiliation

Member of the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB) party


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, University of National and World Economy, Sofia
  • Master’s Degree in Business Administration, University of National and World Economy, Sofia

Professional Background

Prior to his current role as mayor, Dimitar Nikolov has had an extensive career in both the private and public sectors:

  • Deputy Mayor of Burgas (2006-2007): Oversaw economic development and investment.
  • CEO of Holcim Bulgaria: Managed one of the largest cement and construction material companies in Bulgaria.
  • Economic Advisor: Worked as an economic advisor for various private sector projects focusing on infrastructure and urban development.

Achievements as Mayor

Since becoming the mayor, Dimitar Nikolov has spearheaded several key initiatives and projects:

  • Sustainability: Launched the “Green Burgas” initiative aimed at increasing green spaces and promoting eco-friendly transportation.
  • Urban Development: Implemented the master plan for urban regeneration, including the renovation of the city center and the development of new residential zones.
  • Technological Advancements: Introduced smart city solutions such as intelligent traffic management systems and public Wi-Fi zones.

Vision for the Future

Dimitar Nikolov envisions a future for Burgas that focuses on three main pillars:

  • Smart City Initiatives: Continued implementation of IoT and AI solutions to improve city management and services.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Further efforts in reducing the city’s carbon footprint and promoting renewable energy sources.
  • Community Engagement: Increased focus on participatory governance, encouraging community involvement in decision-making processes.

Personal Life

Dimitar Nikolov is not only dedicated to his role as mayor but also enjoys a rich personal life:

  • Hobbies: Enjoys hiking, reading historical novels, and participating in local cultural events.
  • Interests: Passionate about sustainable living and often engages in activities that promote environmental awareness.
  • Community Commitments: Active in local charities and environmental organizations that work towards the betterment of Burgas.

Awards and Honors

Throughout his tenure, Dimitar Nikolov has been recognized for his leadership and contributions:

  • Best Mayor Award (2020): Awarded by the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria for outstanding governance.
  • Eco Leader of the Year (2019): Recognized for exceptional efforts in promoting sustainability in urban development.
  • Digital Innovation Award (2018): Honored for advancing smart city initiatives and integrating technology in public administration.

Burgas: Quality of Life and Cost of Living Analysis

Quality of Life


Burgas, located in the Burgas Province of Bulgaria, boasts a high safety index of 74. This makes it a relatively secure environment for both residents and visitors. The city is known for its low crime rate, providing a peaceful atmosphere conducive to a high quality of life.


The healthcare quality index in Burgas stands at 53, reflecting the city’s reliable and comprehensive medical care. Burgas offers a range of healthcare services, including public and private hospitals, clinics, and specialized care facilities, ensuring that residents have access to quality medical assistance when needed.


Burgas enjoys a pollution index of 40, indicating that the city is moderately clean. Efforts are continually made to keep the environment healthy and pleasant, adding to the overall livability of the city. Parks, green spaces, and coastal areas are well-maintained, contributing to the city’s aesthetic and environmental quality.


With a transport index set at 32, Burgas has an efficient public transportation system. The infrastructure includes buses, minibusses, and convenient taxi services. The city’s well-connected transport network makes commuting easy and cost-effective for residents, increasing its appeal as a place to live.


Burgas is home to some of the top educational institutions in Bulgaria, offering superior quality education. Notable institutions include the University “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov” and several reputable schools and academies, providing excellent educational opportunities from primary levels to higher education.

Cost of Living


The average rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in Burgas city center is approximately $270 per month. This affordability in housing makes Burgas an attractive option for both local residents and expatriates looking for a reasonably priced place to live in Bulgaria.

Groceries and Dining

  • Monthly grocery costs for a single person: $134
  • Average cost of dining out in a local restaurant: $6

These figures indicate that both grocery shopping and dining out are relatively inexpensive in Burgas, contributing to the city’s affordable cost of living.


The monthly utility cost for an 85m2 apartment, covering electricity, heating, cooling, water, and garbage, is around $102. This cost-effectiveness in utilities adds to Burgas’s appeal, making it a budget-friendly city for residents.


A monthly public transport pass in Burgas is quoted at about $27. This affordability ensures that residents can easily access all parts of the city without a significant financial burden, enhancing the overall quality of life.


  • Fitness club membership: $25 – $30 per month
  • Cinema ticket: $6

The cost of leisure activities such as fitness clubs and cinema visits is modest, allowing residents to enjoy a vibrant social life without straining their finances.

Burgas within the Eurocities Network

Burgas plays a significant role within the Eurocities network, with a strong emphasis on sustainable development and contributing towards a greener Europe. The city’s leadership in environmental initiatives and urban development projects underscores its commitment to enhancing the quality of life for its residents while fostering regional cooperation and development within Europe.

In conclusion, Burgas offers a remarkable quality of life characterized by safety, efficient healthcare, cleanliness, and affordable living costs. The city is a prime example of balancing modern amenities with cost-effectiveness, making it a desirable place to live.

Data Source: Numbeo

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