Bordeaux: Pioneering Sustainable Food Systems with the Food Policy Council

Meet the nine nominated cities for the 2024 Eurocities Awards, showcased in Cluj-Napoca from May 29-31, during the Annual Conference. » Eurocities Awards 2024 » Eurocities Nominees 2024 » Bordeaux’s Food Policy Council

Bordeaux’s Approach to Food Policy

Bordeaux, a city synonymous with fine wine and rich culinary heritage, is taking bold steps toward redefining its food landscape. The establishment of the Bordeaux Food Policy Council is a testament to the city’s commitment to sustainable and inclusive food policy-making.

Join Bordeaux in Shaping the Future of Urban Food Systems: Get Inspired at Eurocities 2024.

May 29-31


Discover Bordeaux:

Bordeaux is on a mission to integrate sustainability into every bite, ensuring that its food policies contribute to the health of its citizens and the planet.

Recipe for a Sustainable Future

The Food Policy Council’s approach is multifaceted, addressing the entire food chain from farm to fork. It supports local farmers, encourages sustainable agricultural practices, and aims to increase access to healthy, locally-sourced food for all residents. By prioritizing short distribution circuits, Bordeaux is not only reducing its carbon footprint but also strengthening its local economy and fostering a deeper connection between residents and their food sources.

Eurocities 2024 – Sustainable Food

As Eurocities 2024 approaches, Bordeaux’s Food Policy Council stands as a shining example of what cities can achieve in the realm of sustainable urban development.

Mayor Hurmic’s Vision

Embracing Eurocities 2024’s ethos, Pierre Hurmic drives Bordeaux with a green agenda, pioneering environmental stewardship in urban spaces.

Pierre Hurmic, as Mayor of Bordeaux, stands at the forefront of the ecological transition within urban environments, embodying the principles of sustainability and innovation that are central to the Eurocities Awards 2024.

Through initiatives aimed at enhancing green spaces, reducing carbon emissions, and fostering a sustainable community, Mayor Hurmic’s vision for Bordeaux aligns seamlessly with the goals of Eurocities 2024, setting a compelling example for cities across Europe to follow.

His leadership has propelled Bordeaux towards a greener future, showcasing the transformative power of dedicated environmental stewardship in city planning and living.

Mayor Pierre Hurmic: Leading Bordeaux towards sustainability, embodying Eurocities 2024’s vision for greener urban futures.

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Innovative Ecosystems: Attracting & Retaining Talent
Sustainable Food Systems: Empowering Communities
Creative Election Campaigns: Mobilising Citizens

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